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Create the Life You Want



Very often, the way we live our lives is that we go through the motions. We go to school, go to work, go to the grocery store, go to the baseball game and start over the next day. Maybe for a week of two each year we take a vacation, however, no matter how relaxed and refreshed we are, we return to the rut quickly.

Let's look at three questions that can help you create the life you want. Plus I will provide some tips for each question to help get you started. Please join me on this journey. 

Question One is "What do you want to create?", question two is "What are the required actions?", and question three is "What do you tend to do when those actions meet with resistance?". 

Question One

  1. What do you want for and from your life? If you could have anything, what would it really be? A fancy car, although you may want one, let's get a bit more serious. What does your heart want?
  2. Here are a few examples of what I want for and from my life and what my heart wants. I desire strong and solid relationships, especially with my spouse. I want to be healthy and age gracefully. I also want to stay out of hospitals. I want to live a long full life with all my faculties. I want to give back to others with my business experience over these many years. I want to begin to travel more and see our beautiful country. 
  3. Here is how I got started to create my list. I sat quietly and thought about the question and begin to write down my thoughts. Do not worry about how neat or if they are in order, just list them. Put the paper aside for a day or two, pick it up, and adjust, add, or delete from the list. Continue this process until you have developed the list you want to create. 

Question Two

  1. Now that you have your list, what actions need to take place to make it happen. This is where the rubber meets the road. 
  2. Let me share an example of one of mine. I want to be healthy and the action steps required include a solid exercise program that not only will support me now but into the future as I age. I have always enjoyed exercise but how to make sure it can be included in your schedule might mean you have to get up earlier in the morning to work out. Try and think of ways to motivate yourself to get up earlier or whatever the requirement. Whatever you actions, try them for several weeks to see if they stick or maybe you need to make an adjustment. 
  3. Another example would be strong relationships with my spouse. That is ongoing and should never stop. Develop two or three things that you are going to do to solidify that effort. One of my requirements was to implement "date" night. When you have been together for close to thirty years, it is kind of hard to come up with new and different things to keep the fire going. 

Question Three 

  1. We all know there are always obstacles, challenges, and resistance to anything we really want in our life. If you have created the list with your mind and your heart, maybe even prayed about it, then you will want to overcome the challenges. 
  2. My example about "date" night was received by my spouse with little enthusiasm. It has started and then faded and then started again. I found that doing something he wants to do is better than doing something I want to do. If he thinks he will enjoy it, then the chance of him doing it again increased. 
  3. Fears will enter the picture and you need to face them head on. Turn toward the fears and love them, talk about them, research them, discover the why behind them. The fears and their patterns are why we do not move forward with any type of success. It is easier to revert back to the same ole, same ole than move forward. Dive into the fears as you would an ocean, with zest and love! 

Please send me a note and let me know how you are doing to create the life you want.  


Until next month, 



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