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Reinvention...Welcome to the New Year!


Reinvention…Welcome to the New Year!


Happy New Year! I hope your holidays were most enjoyable and you took time to be with family and friends.

The birth of a new year is also a time to consider reinvention, both professionally and personally. Some people decide to make New Year resolutions of exercising, eating better foods, being nicer, spending more time with family and the list could continue. All of those resolutions usually do not last very long and we are right back where we were before. I would like to suggest that we focus on reinvention. While the reinvention may work in lieu of resolution, it has a much better “ring” to it and you might just get it done!

Let’s look at the word reinvent and using each of the letters as a component of the progress of reinvention. As with any process or action plan, there needs to be defined goals and objectives as well as a method of measurement.

R is for recalibrate. Imagine yourself hovering over a football stadium where you can see every square inch. You clearly see yard lines and the end zones and all the potential for great play in between. Place yourself on the field and answer these questions. What is your positioning on the field? What has been your game strategy? Are you close to the goal line and about to score or are there obstacles holding you back? Where on the field do you want to be and what is the touchdown worth? Identify what strategic steps need to be put in place to position you to win.

E is for evolve. Sometimes you have to get away to think clearly. So find some time to do just that, get away and think. Answer the question, if I died today, what is the one thing I would regret not having done? Determine what you need to do to accomplish the response you gave to the question.

I represents inquire. Become your own research and development department. Do several informal 360 degree feedback sessions. Talk to 3-5 people who know you well for 15-20 minutes asking them what it is about you that have the biggest impact on them. Then, just listen. Make notes and then review the comments. Are there patterns or trends among the comments? What is missing that you would have liked to have heard from the people? Then make an action plan to change, adjust, or enhance one or two things to help make you better.

N is for needing people. This is one that I have trouble with myself. As we get to a certain stage in life we think we can go it alone. We do not need people. Maybe we think it makes us weak. Wrong.

We do need other people to help us, encourage us, introduce us, educate us, and lead us. Make it part of your plan to have coffee, lunch or dinner with someone at least 2 or more times a week. Go to this meeting with an appetite for learning about that person. Find out how they define success, what is their life’s mission or vision, how do they overcome obstacles and other interesting questions. Also make sure you are seeking the type of people who are upbeat, positive, and enjoyable, not those who wish to tear you down or keep you from moving forward.

V is for vision. Craft a vision statement for yourself, squeezing your thoughts into one clear, concise and compelling statement. Identify five action items that bring your vision to life and write them down along with your statement. Remember what your coach used to say, visualize the win.

E represents evaluating your personal barriers. Identify what barriers are standing in your way to accomplishing those things that you have set forth from this discussion. Be honest about them, write them down, and then identify one action step to overcome them.

N is for navigate. I always find that it is easier to travel with a co captain than alone. They can help find the directions on the map, get a soft drink from the cooler located way in the back of the vehicle, be another set of eyes and help sing songs. Plus it is more fun. Identify someone to be your co captain that will help you stay on the charted course.

T is to test the waters. Sip the water first and find out how it tastes. If it is delightful and you enjoy the taste, continue. Step outside your comfort zone and try a new flavor…maybe an art seminar that you have always wanted to try, ride a Harley to feel the wind in your face, write a blog, or read a new type of book.

What will happen? You emerge with new ideas, thoughts, and perspectives which may have a very positive impact on your life. Take it a step at a time; enjoy the journey and the opportunities a New Year brings.

Happy New Year!

Until next month,



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