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Time Budgeting...a Must in Your Life!


How in the world do we budget our time? Why does the “to do” list look much the same at the end of the day?  What is eating into your time that is not worthy? I propose to begin a time budget.

I have been creating a time budget and find it is working much better than my previous efforts. To begin a time budget, we start with a plan. Plan your day and work your plan. We have all had frustrating times when we planned our day and we tried to work it, but unforeseen interruptions occurred. Don’t give up!

Make a written list of what you would like to do today, what you can do today, and what you must accomplish today. List the items that have priority first on your list along with any opportunities that may never come again (watching your child in their first play). This will often take priority over what you think you must do. You will be surprised to find that many things you think you must do can actually wait.

Be prepared to defend your plan for the day. Discipline yourself against the temptation to top your priority list with what you would like to do or what is simple. Strong discipline is required as you plot your day. Be prepared to say “no” to yourself and to others who might want to spend your time unwisely. You may have to take the telephone off the hook, close your office door, and maybe even refrain from answering emails every minute. Learn to say “no” in a fair, friendly, but firm manner.

Refraining from answering emails and texts every time you hear that magic sound is a tough one. Here is an approach to these pesky time wasters. This is a must if you are going to actually budget your time. Determine when you will review and respond to emails during the course of the day. I like reviewing emails first thing in the morning and respond to any that have a quick response. For those that will take more time to think through, I move those to do later in the morning. Then I get to work on the plan that was set the night before and work it. Late morning I return to those emails that needed more thought and respond. I repeat this process midafternoon and before the end of the day. Emails and texts can owe you and your time, so stop being addicted to them.

Begin a time budget plan, work it, live it, and love it! Remember the health of your body, mind, soul, and family requires that time be balanced wisely. Let me know how this plan works for you.


Until next month,



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